
• go, pass, move
• működik: work
• utazik: travel
• megy a hasa: have diarrhoea
• valahová: proceed to, go to, head for
• valakihez: call upon somebody
• jármű: travel
• biciklivel: ride
• fejébe megy a bor: wine goes to one’s head
• hát itt meg mi megy?: what’s going on here?
• férjhez megy: marry
Where is this man going? = Hova megy ez az ember?
The plan doesn't work that way. = A terv úgy nem megy.

megy jelentese magyarul

megy angolul

megy jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be, was/were, been, to make towards a place, to repair, to take to
• it is as broad as it is long, it's horse and horse
• to go astern
• to be taken in
• to go fast, to pop, to spank along
• to go on horseback, to prick
• to be on the rampage
• to go by train
• to go to town, to go up to town
• to pop
• to hack
• to go with a swing
• to go express
• to retire on a pension, to superannuate
• to sack out
• to go to the play
• to go sweethearting
• to sit for an exam
• to go boating
• to traverse
• to go for a paddle