BME nyelvvizsga szóbeli tételek – középfok
Itt találhatóak a középfokú BME nyelvvizsga témaköreihez kapcsolódó tematikus szószedetek. Az egyes nyelvvizsga témák szószedetei természetesen nem teljes körűek, de tartalmazzák a témákhoz tartozó alapvető szavakat, biztos hátteret nyújtanak az egyes nyelvvizsga témákra való felkészüléshez, gyakorláshoz.
1. Personal characteristics
- Describing appearance
- Describing character and personality
- The ideal man and woman
- Fashion, trends
- Beauty care, cosmetics
2. Friends and relationships
- Friendship
- Fellow students and colleagues
- Partners
3. Family
- Family models (only child, large family, single-parent families)
- Division of tasks within the family
- Generations living together
4. Man and society
- Social benefits (pension, health insurance, unemployment benefit)
- Social movements (NGOs, trade unions, clubs, associations)
- Public safety, crime and criminal investigation
- Unemployment
5. Place of living
- Candidate's flat/house
- Furnishings, pieces of furniture
- Household chores and appliances
- Flat-related costs, maintenance
- The ideal home
6. Housing
- Living in the city or in the country
- Living conditions (own property, rented accommodation, lodgings, hostel)
- Flat or house
- Neighbourhood
7. Holidays and celebrations
- Family celebrations (birthdays, name days, anniversaries)
- Christmas, Easter
- Public holidays
- Customs and traditions
8. Reading; television, video, cinema
- Reading (books, newspapers, libraries, Internet)
- TV, cinema, video
- Reading vs TV
- TV vs cinema
9. Culture
- Music (listening to music, concerts, opera, playing an instrument)
- Theatre
- Museums, exhibitions
10. Free time activities
- Going out
- Parties, balls, festivals
- Hobbies
- Other ways of recreation
11. Learning, education, the school system
- School system, school types in Hungary
- School system, school types in English-speaking countries
- Candidate's school experiences
- Tertiary education
- Learning outside school: courses, etc
- Student exchange programmes, student mobility
12. Learning foreign languages
- The role and importance of foreign languages
- Language learning opportunities
- Language learning experiences
13. Work and the individual
- Working hours (part-time, casual work, shift work, several jobs)
- Fashionable jobs / dream jobs
- Ways of finding a job
- Working abroad (advantages, disadvantages)
- Career and/or family
14. Work and society
- Job prestige
- Unemployment, benefits
- Telework
- Graduates entering the labour market
15. Sports
- Sports facilities
- Candidate’s sporting activities, favourite sports
- Mass sports
- Sports events, professionals
- Extreme sports
16. Health
- Characteristics of a healthy lifestyle
- Healthy and unhealthy diet/dishes
- Healthcare
17. Illnesses
- Common illnesses
- Addiction (alcohol, drugs, smoking)
- Stress, psychic diseases
18. Services
- Catering facilities
- Banks
- Repair and maintenance
- Emergency services (ambulance, police, Automobile Association)
19. Shopping
- Everyday shopping
- Buying consumer durables
- Shopping habits
- Sales, discounts
- The role of advertisements
- Consumer society
20. Transport
- Everyday transport
- Public transport in the city
- Intercity transport
- Individual transport (cars, motorbikes, bicycles)
- Public transport problems
- Individual transport problems
21. Travelling in Hungary and abroad
- Preparations
- Favourite destinations
- Types of trips (holiday, official, business, study, conferences)
- Package tour (advantages, disadvantages)
22. Weather, seasons, environment protection
- Environmental problems
- Environment protection
- Home environment protection (selective waste collection, energy saving at home)
- Weather, seasons
23. Telecommunications
- Telephones
- Computers
- Internet
24. Hungary
- Major tourist attractions
- Main places of interest
- Tourism
- Hungary as a destination
25. English-speaking countries
- General information
- Personal experiences
Az egyes nyelvvizsgahelyek témaköreit és az azokhoz tartozó szószedeteket a nyilvánosan elérhető források alapján állítottuk össze.