TELC nyelvvizsga szóbeli tételek – középfok
Itt találhatóak a középfokú TELC nyelvvizsga témaköreihez kapcsolódó tematikus szószedetek. Az egyes nyelvvizsga témák szószedetei természetesen nem teljes körűek, de tartalmazzák a témákhoz tartozó alapvető szavakat, biztos hátteret nyújtanak az egyes nyelvvizsga témákra való felkészüléshez, gyakorláshoz.
1. Personal identification
- Name, address, marital status, sex, date and place of birth, age
- Nationality
- Physical apperearence
- Family, personal relationship
2. Human body, health and bodycare
- Body, personal hygiene
- State of health, medical treatement
- Illness, accident, handicap
- Smoking, drugs
3. Home and housing, accommodation
- Type, size and location of home
- Rooms
- Rent, other expenses
- Furniture and equipment
- Prices, currencies, sizes, measurements, quantities
- Agriculture, trade, industry
4. Commercial and public services
- Post
- banks, insurance companies
5. The natural environment
- Plants, animals
- Landscape, countryside
- Wheather, climate
- environment
6. Travel
- Traffic, public and private transport, timetables and connections
- Holiday arrangements
- Accomodation, luggage, living in a hotel, guest house
- Sightseeing
7. Spare time, leisure, entertainment
- Hobbies and interests
- Cultural activities: cinema, theatre, music,exhibitions, etc.
- Sports, fitness
- Games
- Public holidays, festivals
8. Media, communications
- Press, radio, television
- Telephone, fax
9. Places
- Country
- City
- Type, size and location of place
- Public services, buildings, etc.
10. Everyday life
- Habits, daily routine
- clothes
- Food and drink
11. Food, meals, dishes
- Drinks, beverages
- Places to eat and/or drink
12. Education, training and learning
- School, college, university
- Vocational training, adult/further education
- Language training
13. Occupation, profession, job
- Occupation, type of job, vocational qualifications
- Conditions of work, working hours, holidays
- Pay, wages, salaries
- Unemployment
- Trade unions
14. Economy, commerce and trade, the consumer
- Shopping, tradional and new forms of shopping
- Computers, multimedia
15. Society, state, government
- Political organisations and parties
- Public administration
- Social security, social matters and problems
- Living conditions, standard of living
- Population
- Law and legal affairs, police
- Church and religion
- military
16. Relationships with other people(s) and cultures
- Neighbouring countries and regions, twinning
- Immigration
- Mother tongue, other languages
- Customs
Az egyes nyelvvizsgahelyek témaköreit és az azokhoz tartozó szószedeteket a nyilvánosan elérhető források alapján állítottuk össze.