
The doctrine of the cosmic signatures. = A kozmikus szignatúrák tana.
• -logy, -graphy

tan jelentese magyarul

tan angolul

tan jelentése kifejezésekben

• Eurasian doctrine
• combat car, tank
• test, witness
• tango
• to book, to learn, to learn, learnt, to profit, to study
• den, farm, haunt, homestead, lie, nest
• don, master, teacher
• school year
• to edify, to educate, to indoctrinate, to instruct, to profess, to school, to teach, taught
• erudite, learned
• stand, witness box, witness stand
• to swear a witness
• to get at a witness
• intimidation of witness
• corruption of witnesses
• to get at a witness
• to tamper with a witness
• intimidation of witness
• false witness
• to put in
• to read for the bar