
• study, learn
• főiskolán, egyetemen szakot hallgat: read
• énekelni tanul: learn to sing
• valamiből tanul: learn from books, learn by practice
• tanul valamit valakitől: learn something from somebody
I'm studying for my Biology test. = A biológia dolgozatra tanulok.

tanul jelentese magyarul

tanul angolul

tanul jelentése kifejezésekben

• to read for the bar
• to take to sg like a duck to water
• to burn the midnight oil
• to take driving lesson
• he is getting mathematics now
• erudite, learned
• learner, pupil, scholar
• to learn, tolearn
• conning, learning, study
• erudition, learning
• apprenticeship
• to investigate, to look into, to study
• prep room, schoolroom
• investigator, investigatory
• essayist
• man of erudition
• to indenture
• learner
• semester
• director of studies
• to indenture