
• above, aloft, up
What is up there? = Mi van ott fenn?

fenn jelentese magyarul

fenn angolul

fenn jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be up, to wake, to wake, woke, woken
• waking
• up
• to soar
• to wake
• high up in the air
• to be stuck-up
• accusation that will no bear investigation
• up there
• up yonder
• to be up and about
• to be up all night
• to be up all night
• fennec
• plateau, platform, table
• large, lofty, lordly, sublime
• to buoy, to buoy up, to carry on, to hold up, to keep up, to maintain, to nourish, to reserve, to support, to sustain, to uphold, upheld, to vindicate
• to endure, to hold up, to keep up, to last, to maintain an existence, to sit up, to subsist, to swim, swam, swum, to wake, woke, woken
• balk, hang, stoppage
• bumptious, haughty, lofty
• arrogance, haughtiness, high stomach, proud stomach