
• clap, clack, click, snap
• ostor: crack, smack
• ajtó: bank
• csók: resound
• végén csattan az ostor: he who laughs last laughs best
• csattant az ostor: smack went the whip
Jessica snapped. = Jessica felcsattant.

csattan jelentése kifejezésekben

• the end tries all, the sting is in the tail
• to click, to crack, to smack, to snap
• clashing, nub, point, punch line, snappish
• bang, clap, clash, clashing, click, crack, crash, dash, smack, snap, spat
• snappy sound
• smack
• smack
• smack
• smack went the whip
• blind story
• he gave the girl a good smack on the lips
• snap to
• to pop
• to snap
• peal
• exuberant
• to crash
• smack of the whip
• sear
• snappish, snappy
• coup de théátre