
• egyértelmű: clear, obvious, evident
• világos színű: fair
Is everything I said clear? = Világos minden, amit mondtam?

világos jelentese magyarul

világos angolul

világos jelentése kifejezésekben

• light bay
• ale, lager, pale ale
• fair-skinned
• high lights
• highlight
• chamois, chamois
• high day, noonday
• as clear as day, crystal clear
• white
• bare
• indistinct
• none too clear
• it is high day
• I don't quite get the idea
• get the message?, get the picture?
• clear, clearly, distinctly, explicitly, legibly, lucidly, patently, plainly, unequivocally
• Cambridge blue, pale blue
• brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, clarity, distinctness, light, limpidity, lucidity, neatness, perspicuity
• mulatto
• it is clear that, that is easy to see
• in the clear