A tenni a címszó ragozott alakja.


• cselekszik: do, act
• make
• jót tesz valakinek: do good to somebody
• mit tegyek?: what shall I do?
• boldoggá tesz: make happy
• ugyanúgy tesz: do likewise, do the like
• nem tesz semmit!: never mind!
Come on, do it! = Gyerünk, tedd meg!
Where should I put my bag? = Hova tegyem a táskám?

tenni jelentése kifejezésekben

• it will do you good
• to be able to do sg
• to wish to do sg
• nothing doing, the game's up
• to be about to do sg, to plan to do sg
• as he was wont to do, as he wonts to do
• as he wonts to do
• to be entitled to do sg
• you are free to do so
• to wish to do sg
• to be intent on doing sg
• to be in the humour to do sg
• hard to please, ill to please, to be hard to please
• to be entitled to do sg
• have thoughts of doing sg, to seek, sought
• to be intent on, to be intent on doing sg
• it is bad taste to
• to be intent on doing sg
• it ought to have been done before now
• wanting a leader nothing could be done
• this ought to have been done before