
There is need for clean water. = Szükség van tiszta vízre.

szükség jelentese magyarul

szükség angolul

szükség jelentése kifejezésekben

• at a pinch, if necessary, if need be, in a pinch, in case of necessity, in case of need, pro re nata
• as occasion requires
• any port in a storm, necessity knows no law
• goad of necessity
• goad of necessity
• goad of necessity
• you can always fall back on me
• to be in sore need of sg
• there is no need for sg
• on occasion
• should the necessity arise
• there is no call to
• dire necessity compels me to
• if there is occasion, should the occasion arise
• on occasion
• it is cheap but not everybody's money
• makeshift
• necessary, needful, requisite, to need, to require
• money of necessity
• to need
• needlessly, redundantly