
• érzelmet: mask, disguise, contain, camouflage
• arcát tenyerébe rejti: bury one’s face in one’s hands
• ki tudja, mit rejt a jövő: who knows what the future has in store
Where Floyd hid it. = Ahová Floyd rejtette.

rejt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to palm
• ambuscade, ambush
• lurky
• arcanum, arcana, conundrum, mystery, riddle, secret
• to hide, hid, to hide, hid, hidden, to hole up, to lie low, to lurk
• mystery, secret
• to camouflage
• cipherer
• ambush, cache, concealment, cover, hide-away, hide-out, hideaway, hideout, hiding place, lurking-place, nest, recess, subterfuge
• coding
• to lie low
• latent image
• cipher, ciphering
• enigmatically, mysteriously
• cipher, cipher key
• cipher
• ambush
• snag
• latent energy
• undercurrent
• esoterical, oracular