A rejtet a címszó ragozott alakja.


• érzelmet: mask, disguise, contain, camouflage
• arcát tenyerébe rejti: bury one’s face in one’s hands
• ki tudja, mit rejt a jövő: who knows what the future has in store
Where Floyd hid it. = Ahová Floyd rejtette.

rejtet jelentése kifejezésekben

• arcane, clandestine, concealed, covert, cryptic, dormant, esoteric, hooded, hugger-mugger, latent, lurking, occult, potential, privy, recondite, secret, stealthy, surreptitious, ulterior, undercover
• criptically, cryptically, occultly
• latent heat
• latent image
• latent defect
• snag
• latent energy
• shoal
• undercurrent
• undercurrent
• esoterical, oracular
• potentiality
• tunnel belt loops
• latent defect
• hint of sadness
• depths
• late exhibition of unsuspected talents
• ambushed
• incognito
• cache
• cache