
• thar

ottan jelentése kifejezésekben

• yon, yonder
• soggily
• beyond measure, exaggeratedly, hyperbolically, inordinately, to a fault
• acutely
• agitatedly, agog, excitedly, hectically, jumpily, on tiptoe, tippytoe, tiptoe, tumultuously
• admittedly, concededly, confessedly, professedly
• out and out, specifically
• blurrily
• skillfully
• authoritatively, crisply, decidedly, deliberately, distinctly, downright, emphatically, explicitly, expressly, firm, firmly, flat, flatly, in set terms, markedly, positively, resolutely, starkly, stoutly, strenuously, sturdily
• discursively, in a staccato voice, spasmodically, staccato
• desolately, forlornly
• obsessively
• absently, abstractedly
• maniacally
• helplessly, lamely
• overweeningly
• in a low key
• hastily, headfirst, precipitately, rashly
• studiously
• hyperactive