
• for me, to me

nekem jelentese magyarul

nekem angolul

nekem jelentése kifejezésekben

• same here!
• I don't mind
• I don't care a hang!
• you may take it from me, you may take my word for it
• it passes my comprehension!
• it seems to me
• teach your grandmother to suck eggs
• I have any quantity of them
• he puts the blame on me
• that's not in my line
• don't try to fool me!
• I have any quantity of them
• I have any quantity of them
• you may take my word for it
• it hits my fancy
• I got it from him
• it is beyond my comprehension, it's above me, that licks me, this beats me
• pay self
• it fared well with me
• he wishes me well
• that gives me the pip