kockáz jelentése kifejezésekben

• chance, hazard, jeopardy, risk, venture
• to dice, to throw, threw, thrown
• dice, dicing
• to endanger, to go, went, gone, to hazard, to jeopardize, to pawn, to risk, to run a risk, to run the hazard, to take a risk, to take chances, to take risks, to venture
• chancy, dicey, fraught with risk, hairy, hazardous, risky, sticky, venturesome
• riskiness
• touch-and-go business
• touch-and-go business
• to run a risk, to run risk, to take one's chance, to take risk, to take risks
• to take a chance for sy
• to chance, to hazard, to risk, to run the hazard, to stake, to take one's chance, to venture
• long chance
• to play safe, to sit on the splice
• to chance one's arm, to run the risk of, to take the risk of
• at the expense of his life
• to play safe
• at the hazard of one's life
• to take a chance for sy
• he takes no chances for his life
• to stick one's neck out
• to cut it fine, to run it fine