
• approach, near
• közeledik: draw on, draw near
He neared the wreck. = Közelítette a roncsot.

közelít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to humanize
• to get on the blind side of sy, to get on the soft side of sy
• to get on the blind side of sy, to get on the soft side of sy
• approximate, impending, oncoming
• approach, approximation
• to make advances to sy
• to see the red light
• to approach, to approximate, to be near, to come near, to draw on, to near, to near to
• approximate, proximate, rough
• approach, approximation
• about, at a rough estimate, on a rough estimate, something like
• accessible, amenable, approachable
• to run sy close, to run sy hard
• to a first approximation
• reach
• inaccessible
• rough estimate
• easy of access, easy to approach
• to the nearest place
• they are much the same age
• to come up to broadside