
• megy: go, walk, march
• jár valakivel: go out with somebody, date somebody
• jár valamivel: go with, mean
Good grades go with a lot of learning. = A jó jegy sok tanulással jár.

jár jelentese magyarul

jár angolul

jár jelentése kifejezésekben

• to accompany, to entail
• to coach
• to go to the pix
• to post
• to attend a lecture
• to feel one's way, to fly low
• to keep company with sy
• to do the right thing, to play a square game, to play the game
• to career about, to career over
• to spell, to spell, spelt
• to follow in sy's wake, to follow in the wake of sy
• to see very little company
• to walk with a swing
• to prep
• to play foul
• to act as secretary
• to shuttle
• to play sy fair
• to be on the make
• to go the round
• to do the proper thing by sy