
Melléknévi igenév
I'm so excited about going to Rome! = Olyan izgatott vagyok, hogy Rómába mehetek!

izgatott jelentése kifejezésekben

• heebi-jeebies, heebie-jeebies, heeby jeebies, suspense
• suspenseful
• overwrought
• she was very much upset
• agitatedly, agog, excitedly, hectically, jumpily, on tiptoe, tippytoe, tiptoe, tumultuously
• chafing, commotion, emotion, excitement, fever, flurry, flutter, fret, jumpiness, perturbation, psychosis, psychoses, ruffle, tumultuousness, twitter
• to be all agog to
• exalted, perturbed, ruffled
• infection of one's excitement
• infection of one's excitement