
• helyzetet, munkát: direct, manage, lead, guide, handle
• ellenőriz: control
• járművet: handle, conduct
The supervisor controls the work process. = A szupervizor irányítja a munkafolyamatot.

irányít jelentese magyarul

irányít angolul

irányít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to train
• to misdirect
• to tell sy wrong
• to switch
• to aim
• to advert
• to mastermind
• to pace
• to rig an election
• to home
• batter
• directory, governing, head, operator
• command, control, direction, governance, guidance, helm, leading, line of conduct, running
• check
• deflector
• post code, postal code, postcode, zip code
• manageability, manageableness, manoeuvrability
• to consult
• zero alignment
• leading question
• undirected