
Mit gondolsz? = What do you think?
I consider this book (to be) good. = Jónak gondolom ( = találom) ezt a könyvet.
I've always reckoned that despair will get you nowhere. = Mindig úgy gondoltam, hogy a kétségbeesés nem vezet sehova.

gondol jelentese magyarul

gondol angolul

gondol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to deem, to put down
• to make of
• to look ahead
• to conceit upon one's father
• to deem
• to make of
• to talk turkey
• to earnest, to talk turkey
• to gloat over, to gloat upon
• to put sg out of one's head
• evil be to him who evil thinks
• to recall sg with fond emotion
• carriage, gondola
• idea, thought
• to think
• wis
• gondolier
• think it over!
• vacant
• think it over!
• with an eye to the main chance