
• főleg újságírásban, tudományos nyelvben használatosak : important, considerable, substantial, relevant
Hers was a discovery to matter. = Fontos felfedezést tett.

fontos jelentese magyarul

fontos angolul

fontos jelentése kifejezésekben

• biggie
• hotshot, muck-a-muck
• highlight
• coup de théátre
• highlight
• biggie
• highlight
• memorabilia
• somebody
• memorabilia
• to bulk large, to play an important part
• he thinks himself somebody
• inconsequential, niggling, that's neither here nor there, to be of no consequence, unimportant
• of high priority
• matter of the last importance
• wages at the rate of three pounds per week
• position of the highest importance
• he's a somebody, he's somebody
• wages at the rate of three pounds per week
• last but not least
• bumptious, bustling, fussy, officious, opinionated, pragmatic, pragmatical, prissy, self-important