
Lift your left leg. = Emeld fel a bal lábad.

felemel jelentese magyarul

felemel angolul

felemel jelentése kifejezésekben

• to up with sg
• to steepen
• to chalk up
• to crane
• to prize up
• to winch
• to prize sg up
• elevating, high, uplifting
• upraised
• exaltation, heave, heightening, lift
• to send
• to ascend, to emerge, to lift, to lift off, to mount, to rise, rose, risen, to up
• ascending
• ascension, ascent, heaving, lift, lift-off, recovery, rise
• high, upraised
• uplift
• with upraised hand
• to lift up one's voice
• to rush up the prices
• send
• stilted