
This machine works on a very difficult principle. = Ez a gép egy nagyon bonyolult elven működik.

elv jelentése kifejezésekben

• politics
• underlying principle
• conceptual, of principle, principled
• to batter about, to curry, to haze, to hide, to lace, to lather, to lay it on sy, to lick, to mill, to pepper, to run through, to thrash, to trounce, to wallop, to welt
• to cast off, to disapprove, to project, to recant, to reject, to seed, to sling, slung, to throw away, to throw out, to throw overboard
• true to one's principles
• to abstract, to detract, to distract
• to cut off, to cut, cut, to pill, to plough, to section, to sever
• to expect, to require
• to miss
• to by-pass, to divert, to lead away, to lead off
• block diagram
• to give sy a thrashing, to give sy a trouncing, to lay into sy
• matter of principle
• to whip off
• plank
• to premise
• principled
• to expect sg from sy
• to square one's practice with one's principles
• to make it a rule