
• pénzt: waste, squander
• wallop, haze, lace

elver jelentése kifejezésekben

• to give sy a thrashing, to give sy a trouncing, to lay into sy
• to whip off
• to knock the stuffing out, to thwack, to towel, to whack, to whop
• to belt, to leather, to strap
• to lambaste
• to lam into sy
• to leather
• to give sy a little stirrup oil, to give sy a little strap oil
• to belt
• to race away a fortune
• lathering, thrashing
• to pit
• to beguile hunger
• to push one's way into swhere
• to dull the edge of sy's appetite, to stave off hunger, to take the edge off sy's appetite
• to alarm, to beat up, to flush, to put up, to raise, to restart, to rouse, to run up, to spring, sprang, sprung, to start, to whip
• whipped
• to kick up
• to whisk
• to get a good beating
• to knock up