

elvi jelentése kifejezésekben

• block diagram
• matter of principle
• plank
• principled
• to make a point of sg
• to make a stand for sg
• to bring round, to carry, to carry away, to carry off, to check out, to take away, to take off, to take out, to take over
• rapt
• to dash away, to storm out
• overblown
• I'll drop you at your door
• incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, there is no getting around it, undisputed
• beauty on the wane
• indisputability
• to go for a ride
• aggravating child
• to take it on the chin
• to apply, to attain, to attain to a dignity, to carry up, to convey up, to get up, to lead up, to reach, to take up
• inland waters
• to brighten, to buck up, to cheer up, to chirp up, to wax merry
• cheering, cheery, exhilarating