
• borzas kutya: shaggy dog
Mitzi pushed his tousled head in. = Mitzi bedugta borzas fejét.

borzas jelentése kifejezésekben

• blowzy
• yellow daisy
• awful, dreadful, god-awful, gruesome, horrendous, horrible, terrible, terrific, terrifying, tremendous
• draggle-tail
• awfully, dreadfully, horrendously, horribly, shocking, shockingly, something, terribly, terrifyingly, tremendously, wickedly
• shocking bad
• I am awfully sorry, I am dreadfully sorry
• horror
• what a dreadful time you've been
• I am awful glad you came
• to appal, to appall
• horrify
• to make one's flesh crawl, to make one's flesh creep
• something dreadful has happened