
• beborul az ég: cloud over
The cat fell onto the table from the basket. = A macska a kosárból az asztalra borult.

borul jelentése kifejezésekben

• to heart, to heart up
• to prostrate oneself
• to get down to one's knees, to sink on one's knees
• silence broods over the scene
• to fall on sy's neck
• to fall on sy's neck
• to canopy
• overcast
• to cloud, to darken, to lour
• to darken
• to psych out, to tip out
• kiss the ground
• heavy, louring, loury
• to capsize, to crash over, to fall over, to keel over, to tip, to tip over, to tip up, to turn turtle, to upset, upset
• religiously
• to be freaked out
• prostrate
• lour
• boss, camber, nipple, shoulder, swell
• tipping, turning over, turnover, upset
• prostrate