
• Két, egy időben történő cselekvés, esemény egybevetésére: while
I can't say anything until I get the results. = Nem mondhatok semmit, amíg nem kapom meg az eredményeket.

amíg jelentese magyarul

amíg angolul

amíg jelentése kifejezésekben

• while
• while the going is good
• not before
• to go while the going is good
• as long as, so long as
• to go while the going is good
• to last sy out
• I worked as long as I could
• I worked as long as I could
• do not come in before I call you
• pending his arrival
• to go while the going is good
• strike while the iron is hot
• I worked as long as I could
• to go while the going is good
• to make both ends meet
• to cook