Az „ama”-re kerestél, de valószínűleg erre gondoltál.


I don't want the blue shirt; I'd prefer that one. = Nema kék inget kérem, inkább amazt.

ama jelentése kifejezésekben

• yonder oaks
• that, that one, yon, yonder
• spelunker
• soon
• adolescent, young teenager, youngster
• rattletraps
• luscious, relishable, spicy, succulent
• to diddle
• dungeon
• grannie, granny
• siamang
• aquamarine
• in a short time
• before long, ere long, in a little while, in a short time, in the short run, shortly, soon
• teen-age
• pension rate
• food waste grinder
• flowchart, flowsheet
• pajama top, pyjama top
• hasty, impetuous, incautious, precipitate, premature, rash, thoughtless
• Flemish