
• területet: enclose, encompass
• nimbusz övezi: he is revered
• tisztelet övezi: be respected
The shimmering of a personal shield surrounded him. = Alakját a személyi energiapajzs derengése övezte.

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• to girdle with
• to enwreathe, to wreathe
• to halo
• belt, girdle, zone
• in sections
• zoning
• to cobble, to pitch
• to belt, to gird, to gird, girt
• to cobble, to cube, to flag, to pave, to stone
• flag pavement, pavement, paving, pitching
• paving, pitching
• to bum
• piping
• pitched, stoned
• to stone
• pitching
• to drain, to subdrain
• sterling area
• pitched, stoned
• coal belt
• green belt