
My husband has supported me throughout my illness. = A férjem végig támogatott a betegségem során.

végig jelentése kifejezésekben

• to see out
• to run, ran, run
• to roll along
• to see out
• to roll along
• right on end, straight on end
• all the way
• from end to end
• all the way up the line, fore and aft, fore-and-aft, from end to end
• from the first to last
• from end to end
• you are for it, you are in for it
• he went down the street like a bat out of hell
• to see out, to sit out, to sit through
• to look on, to see out
• to row off
• to promenade
• to sweep
• to rattle along
• to carry through, to go through
• to run through