
I saw a horse pulling a huge chariot. = Láttam egy lovat, amint egy óriási hintót von maga után.

von jelentese magyarul

von angolul

von jelentése kifejezésekben

• to shrug, to shrug one's shoulders, to shrug the shoulders
• to plough a furrow
• to lime
• to bring in its train, to entail, to involve
• to plough
• to challenge, to impeach
• to glaze
• to fur
• to put sy to the rack, to submit sy to the rack
• to canopy
• to draw the line at sg
• to call sy to account
• to play a lone hand
• that does not detract from his merit
• line, streak, stria, striae, stripe
• to process, to shoal, to trail
• dash, draw, feature, line, point, strain, streak, tally, traction
• bow hair
• tracer
• to run along
• score below line