
• or, else
• about
• some
• az egyik vagy a másik: one or the other
• vagy így, vagy úgy: one way or another
• most vagy soha: now or never
Or the other way around? = Vagy fordítva?



vagy jelentese magyarul

vagy angolul

vagy jelentése kifejezésekben

• come to that
• or else
• a score of people
• thou art, you are
• something or other
• let's toss up!
• minor suit
• living or dead
• you are not made of salt
• play or pay!
• stand and deliver!
• you're looking very fine today!
• in rain or fine
• to be or not to be
• you are off your rocker!
• rightly or wrongly
• you are not as tall as he
• he is the pivot of the team
• junior college
• he is not so rich as you
• stir and you are a dead man