


• or, else
• about
• some
• az egyik vagy a másik: one or the other
• vagy így, vagy úgy: one way or another
• most vagy soha: now or never
Or the other way around? = Vagy fordítva?

vágy jelentese magyarul

vágy angolul

vágy jelentése kifejezésekben

• thirst after sg, thirst for sg
• rabbit fever
• concupiscence
• craving
• libido, lust, sex urge
• keenness
• lust
• concupiscence, covetousness
• stage fever
• vaulting ambition
• caesarism
• blue balls
• to aspire
• wistful
• yearning
• to aspire after sg
• to aspire to sg, to covet, to desire, to wish
• to be ambitious of sg, to be starved of sg, to starve for sg, to wish for sg
• leer
• to be sick for sg, to pant after sg, to pant for sg, to thirst after, to thirst for, to yearn after sg, to yearn for sg
• to be balked of one's desires