
• street
Can you tell me where Petőfi street is? = Meg tudja mondani, hol a Petőfi utca?

utca jelentese magyarul

utca angolul

utca jelentése kifejezésekben

• head of a street
• man in the street
• head of a street
• end house of the street
• across the road
• end house of the street
• building line of a street
• building line of a street
• gut
• avenue
• two-way street
• he lives across the street
• the house is on the other side of the street
• the house is on the other side of the street
• casual
• cobble
• bat
• tart
• street lamp, street light
• road sweeper, scavenger, street orderly, street sweeper
• city arab, ragamuffin, street arab, street urchin, wastrel