
Children are playing in the court. = A gyerekek az udvaron játszanak.

udvar jelentese magyarul

udvar angolul

udvar jelentése kifejezésekben

• barnyard, farmyard
• quad, quadrangle
• patio
• atrium, atria
• aulic
• admirer, beau, beaux, fella, feller, gallant, philander, philanderer, spark, squire, suitor
• to beau, to pay attention to a lady, to spark, to squire, to sweetheart, to woo
• blarney, court, courtship, love-making, lovemaking
• courtier, equerry
• state ball
• courtesy
• attention, chivalry, civility, complacency, complaisance, courtesy, gallantry, neighbourliness, politeness, urbanity
• marshal
• page of honour
• fool
• laureate, poet laureate
• backroom
• court clown, court jester, jester
• discourtesy
• to curry favour with sy, to make court to sy, to make love to sy, to make up to sy, to pay court to sy, to pay one's address to sy, to sue for sy's hand
• to court