
• court-

udvari jelentése kifejezésekben

• state ball
• courtesy
• page of honour
• fool
• laureate, poet laureate
• backroom
• court clown, court jester, jester
• purveyor by appointment
• laureateship
• laureateship
• affable, bland, civil, civil-spoken, complacent, complaisant, courteous, courtly, gallant, gentle, gracious, mannerly, neighborly, neighbourly, obliging, polite, smooth, urbane, well-mannered
• affably, blandly, courteously, obligingly, politely
• attention, chivalry, civility, complacency, complaisance, courtesy, gallantry, neighbourliness, politeness, urbanity
• brusque, curt, discourteous, graceless, impolite, surly
• complimentary
• do the civil, do the polite
• curtly, gracelessly
• discourtesy
• to be gracious to sy
• courtesy
• inattention