
• touch, feel
The doctor was feeling the patient's pulse. = Az orvos kitapintotta a beteg pulzusát.

tapint jelentese magyarul

tapint angolul

tapint jelentése kifejezésekben

• to get home
• to hit home, to strike home
• to put one's finger on a weak spot
• to put one's finger on a weak spot
• to cut sy to the quick, to get home on sy
• to sting sy to the quick, to touch sy on the raw
• antenna
• delicacy, lightness, tact
• feel, feeling, handle, sense of feeling, touch
• tactile
• tactile
• considerate, delicate, diplomatic, discreet, light, tactful, tender
• palpable, tactile, tangible
• brash, gauche, inconsiderate, indiscreet, pushing, thoughtless, undiplomatic
• tactfully
• barb
• tracer
• feeling, sense of feeling, touch
• brashly
• palpability, tangibility
• antenna