
• állapot: membership
• tagok: members
• tudományos társaságé: fellowship
• politikai párté: push
He told me that the membership was almost entirely black and Hispanic now. = Ő mesélte, hogy napjainkban a tagság jóformán tiszta fekete és spanyol.

tagság jelentese magyarul

tagság angolul

tagság jelentése kifejezésekben

• membership card
• bulk, depth, grossness, thickness
• grogginess, instability, precariousness, shakiness, versatility
• caducity, craziness
• depth
• reticence, taciturnity
• aldermanate, aldermanity, aldermanry
• hardship
• skin
• chops and charges, ups and downs
• battle of life, ups and downs of life
• clubbable, clubby
• the ups and downs of life
• peerage
• storm and stress
• storm and stress
• clubbable, clubby
• clubbable, clubby