
• anyagiakkal: aid, help, assist, promote
• valaki támogatja: have somebody behind one
Will you support me? = Támogatsz engem?

támogat jelentese magyarul

támogat angolul

támogat jelentése kifejezésekben

• to side with sy
• to be at the back of sg, to identify oneself with sg
• to pioneer a cause
• to prime the pump
• to spoonfeed, spoonfed
• to second a motion
• to get on the bandwagon
• to connive at sg
• backer, fosterer, patronizing, proponent, subservient, supporter, supporting, supportive, upholder, well-wisher
• advocacy, assistance, backing, countenance, encouragement, espousal, favor, favour, help, maintenance, sponsorship, subservience, subserviency, support
• backing
• patronizingly
• deserving
• to see sy through
• supporting work-paper
• to spoonfeed, spoonfed
• air support
• subsidy related to export
• subsidy
• to hold a brief for sy
• to side with the minority