
What is the significance of the blue edges? = Mi a kék szegély jelentősége?

szegély jelentese magyarul

szegély angolul

szegély jelentése kifejezésekben

• triglyph
• fringe
• frayings
• frayings
• to border, to braid, to edge, to flank, to fringe, to fringe upon, to line, to margin, to rim, to skirt, to tape, to trim, to welt
• terminal
• batten, frieze, washboard
• frieze, gimp, trimmings
• piping, trim
• gutter
• rimmed
• strip felling
• listing machine
• to flank with sg
• listing machine
• to gimp
• edge
• curb, curbside, kerb
• herbaceous border
• listing
• lined with yellow