
• tear, rend, split, rip

szakad jelentése kifejezésekben

• to snow hard
• it is pouring with rain, it is raining hard
• to be in a muck of a sweat
• by any means, by fair means or foul
• blow high, blow low
• at a pinch, failing all else, in a pinch, in the last resort
• raggedy-ass, raunchy, sleazo, sleazy
• torrential
• dissident, nonconformist, schismatic, schismatical, schismatist, seceder
• rent, rive, split, tear
• abyss, chasm, cleft, cove, escarpment, gourd, gulch, gulf, pit, precipice, rictus, rictus
• sleazy
• ceaseless, continual, continuous, incessant, perpetual, unceasing, unremitting
• ceaselessly, incessantly, on end, together, uncessantly
• splinter party
• cracked ends
• elongation at rupture
• loose cough
• to natter
• to natter
• spiral