
• járat, folyosó, út: narrow
• ruha, stb.: tight, tight-fitting
The streets are narrow in this town. = Ebben a városban szűkek az utcák.

szűk jelentese magyarul

szűk angolul

szűk jelentése kifejezésekben

• skimped coat
• gut
• insular, narrow, narrow-minded, niggling
• horse that goes near behind, horse that stands near behind
• crack
• to scrimp, to skimp
• bottleneck, cove
• bottleneck
• huddle
• to keep on short rations
• to bottleneck
• time of the lean kine
• sheath gown
• close, narrowly, scantly
• to constrict, to narrow
• to whine, to yowl
• scant, spare
• to grow narrow, to narrow
• chary, close, miserly, near, pelting, scrimp, scrimpy, shabby, skimpy
• short
• necessity, paucity, scantiness, skimpiness