
There's a thread hanging out of your shirt. = Kilóg egy szál az ingedből.

szál jelentese magyarul

szál angolul

szál jelentése kifejezésekben

• proper
• fiber, fibre, filament
• zero line
• a flower
• in one's shirttails
• to be on the wing, to feather, to float, to fly, flew, flown, to wing
• filamentary, filamentous, stringy
• timber tree
• barb, bone, splint, splinter, string
• hostel
• loose soot
• serpentine
• boneless
• get off my back!, give me a break!
• a pain in one's neck, pain in one's neck
• to be a thorn in sy's flesh
• to horse, to jockey, to take a horse
• to champion
• to splash down, to take the water
• to go to one's head
• to board, to come on board, to come on deck, to embark, to go aboard, to go on board, to go on deck, to put to sea, to ship