
• megszámolható főnevekkel: many, a number of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of
• megszámlálhatatlan főnevekkel: much, a great amount of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of
I have seen many things in my life. = Sok mindent láttam már az életemben.
We don't have much milk left. = Nem maradt sok tejünk.

sok jelentese magyarul

sok angolul

sok jelentése kifejezésekben

• long, lots of time
• shitloads of sg
• many a man, many a one, many people
• there are lots of rumours in the air
• to be always hard at it
• have one's quiver full
• to make a good score
• to make a good score
• there are lots of rumours in the air
• to thumb
• too many cooks spoil the broth
• to plough through a work
• many of the old scientific teachings were wrong
• to take a whale of a time to do sg
• many of the old scientific teachings were wrong
• a good deal
• excess, overmuch, too much, too much by half
• too much, very much
• beau coup, beau-coup, beaucoup
• no end of
• that's too much of a good thing