
• filmet rendez: direct
• egyenletet rendez: reduce an equation
• számlát rendez: settle an invoice, pay an invoice
• színdarabot rendez: direct a play, stage a play
She arranged the flowers in a bouquet. = Csokorba rendezte a virágokat.

rendez jelentése kifejezésekben

• to rearrange
• to throw a shebang
• to grade
• to banquet
• to wimple
• to settle an account
• to landscape
• to integrate
• to tress
• to go round with the hat, to pass round the hat, to send round the hat
• to give a dinner
• to banquet
• to create, to make a raw
• to banquet
• to run amok, to run amuck
• to kick up a rumpus, to make a rumpus, to row
• to kick up a row, to make a row
• to carry on sg awful
• to make the feathers fly, to make the fur fly
• director, getter, stage-manager
• auteurial, cue