
Jack insisted on paying the bill. = Jack ragaszkodott ahhoz, hogy fizesse a számlát.

ragaszkodik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to cotton on to sy, to cotton to sy
• to hold by, to hold on to sg, to hug, to insist, to insist on sg, to insist that, to insist upon sg, to keep to, to persist, to stand upon
• to assert one's rights
• to stand on ceremony
• to maintain the respectabilities
• to be insistent that sg shall be done
• he won't bate a yot
• to maintain the respectabilities
• to stick unabashed to one's opinion
• to maintain a negative attitude
• to maintain a negative attitude
• to be wedded to his opinion
• to stick unabashed to one's opinion
• to stick unabashed to one's opinion
• to stick unabashed to one's opinion