

rag jelentése kifejezésekben

• casserole, stew
• to adhere, to be hard up, to stick, stuck
• to conjugate, to decline
• pit, pitting
• to beacon, to beam, to blaze, to glare, to glisten, to glitter, to glow, to laugh, to scintillate, to shine, shone, to spark, to sparkle, to twinkle
• contagion, infection
• adhesive, clammy, contagious, glutinous, gummy, infectious, mucilaginous, sticky, tacky, viscid, viscous
• to glue, to gum, to paste, to stick, stuck
• glutinosity, tack, viscidity
• uninflected
• starry eyes
• slack bread
• gunge
• spotless
• insister
• to lure sy with bright prospects
• to carve, to cut out, to grave, to grave, graved, graven
• to stick on
• an old tin can, clinker, clunker, old tin can, shebang, shitbox
• jugged hare
• diaphragm, midriff