
• stick, paste, glue, gum
Stick this onto the wall. = Ragaszd ezt a falra!

ragaszt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to patch
• to affix stamps to a letter
• adhesive, glue
• cementation
• cemented
• postposition, postpositive
• cement, glue, gum, mucilage
• size
• tape
• adhesive patch, adhesive plaster, adhesive tape
• cemented lens
• gummed
• to tape
• to tape
• to paste up, to stick in
• to paste up, to post
• to plaster, to stick down
• to affix, to stick on, to stick onto, to stick to
• to mount, to paste, to paste up, to stick on
• to gum
• to attach, to lodge, to plaster