
• úton: take a short cut
• szöveget: abridge
• előhívást rövidíti: curtail the development
• kabát ujját rövidíti: take up the sleeve
• ez is rövidíti az életét: that is another nail in his coffin
I'll make it shorter. = Majd én lerövidítem.

rövidít jelentése kifejezésekben

• short for
• abbreviation, abridgement, abridgment, contraction, short
• traverse
• short
• unabridgeable
• abridged edition
• short
• clipped form
• to be on short time
• to abridge, to curtail, to cut down, to nick
• to abridge, to cut down, to garble, to wrong
• contraction
• chort cut, cut-off, cutoff, short cut
• short
• to cut off a corner
• unabridgeable
• short cut
• quickie, quicky
• to trim
• to shorten the stride
• to wrong sy of sg